The Good Life Boutique's Mother's Day Event

The Good Life Boutique Mother’s Day “The Best Mom” Event

The Good Life Boutique's Mother's Day Event

UPDATE: Watch Nancy select entrants who receive a $100 gift certificate for The Good Life Boutique and a professional family photo during the Mother's Day Facebook Live!

The Good Life Gift Boutique is having a Mother’s Day Event where we are asking for submissions from kids (of all ages – yes, even adult kids!!!)  to tell us through words and/or pictures why their Mom is, “The Best Mom.” 

Every Mom who is entered will be given a Gift from The Good Life!!   We will also choose 4 winners from a drawing who will be given a $100 Gift Certificate to The Good Life Boutique plus a picture of Mom and her family taken by a professional photographer. 

  • The 4 winners will be chosen from entrants in the following age groups:
    • 12 years old and under
    • 13-18 years old
    • 19- 30 years old
    • Over 30 years old

The 4 'drawing' winners must be available for the photo and to pick up the Gift Certificate at The Good Life Gift Boutique in Surf City, NJ at a mutually agreeable time around (but not on) Mother’s Day.

Here’s what 'kids' will need to do to enter The Good Life Boutique’s Mother’s Day “The Best Mom” Event

  • Submission must be written or drawn by the child/children (can be done by each child or as a family event)
  • Must give reasons why your mom is “The Best Mom”
  • Please give us as much detail as possible so we know why your mom is so special, so great, such a wonderful mom.  Feel free to write a story about your Mom and what makes her the special person she is. 
  • Entry must fit on a single 8.5" x 11" page (maximum size)
  • Each Mom who is entered will receive a gift from The Good Life because as we all know, every Mom is “The Best Mom”!!
  • Please provide the following information, but not on the front of the entry with your story (just write the info below on the back of the entry page if dropping off your story at the store):
    • Mom’s Full Name
    • Age of the child doing the entry
    • Email address of Mom (this is how we will communicate when it is time to come in to pick up gifts for all the moms who are entered)
    • Phone number where Mom can be reached
  • Entries must be received at The Good Life Gift Boutique no later than Friday, May 7, 2021.  We close at 5:00pm
  • Entries may also be submitted by email to .  Please remember the above requirements.  

We are so excited for this project…. we know that every Mom is The Best Mom…. we think letting Mom know why she is so special and what makes her The Best Mom will truly light up Your Mom’s heart and make this The Best Mother’s Day!!